Sunday Fellowship

You live in Pori and are looking for some Christian fellowship?

You would like to be part of an English speaking Christian community?

Itäpuisto 14, 2 st floor,Chapel at Itäpuiso 14
Chapel, Pori on Sunday:

  • 9.2.2025 at 2 pm
  • 9.3.2025 at 2 pm
  • 13.4.2025 at 2 pm
  • 18.5.2025 at 2 pm

Matthew 6:33: 
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you”.

Who are we? Why do we organize those events?

We are an international group of Christians (from different countries) who want to share the Gospel of Jesus-Christ and grow closer to our Lord and Savior.

We've been meeting on a monthly basis for a bit more than 10 years: we are willing to reach foreigners who can't attend (yet) Christian Services in Finnish, looking for fellowship in English with brothers and sisters in Christ living in Pori.

Mark 16:15:
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”.

How do our fellowship meetings look like?

  • We worship Jesus together with songs.
  • We pray for persecuted Christians.
  • We share updates from the mission field and pray for the mission work.
  • We study Bible in the light of God's Holy Spirit and with a practical approach, trying to understand how to put God's Word in practice in our lives.
  • We seek our Savior’s presence to serve Christ better every day.
  • We pray for each others' needs and for urgent matters.
  • We share some coffee, tea and buns during our fellowship closing moment.

Colossians 3:24:
It is from the Lord that you will receive the reward of the inheritance.

Ota yhteyttä

Porin seurakuntayhtymä
Seurakuntatyön erityispalvelut
Eteläpuisto 10 B, 2.krs
28100 PORI

Vammaistyö, kuurojentyö ja maahanmuuttajatyö