Briefly in English

When Finland has become international, the parishes of Pori have also started preparing to produce their own foreign language offerings.

All five parishes in Pori warmly welcome foreigners to their own events. The Holy Spirit can speak to a person's innermost being regardless of language barriers, because the Church of Christ lives and influences across borders.

In addition, a foreigner can, in good luck, meet his own compatriot on some occasion.

The furthest offering for foreigners is in Pori Teljä, which also has the most immigrants. The texts of the services are distributed in advance translated into English and Arabic. This is how we want to serve those people who have come to the word of God from other religions in a special way.

You can get more information about the offerings of the parishes in Pori, such as services and services in foreign languages, from the parish employees. If you wish, you can also present them with your own wishes regarding the English-language offer.

Current vicars of Pori parishes

Kirkkoherra, yhteisen kirkkoneuvoston pj
Keski-Porin seurakunta
Länsi-Porin seurakunta

vapaapäivät useimmiten pe ja la

Meri-Porin seurakunta

Vapaapäivät yleensä ma ja ti